
Esports Betting Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Check out our latest Esport Betting Tips:

The LoL Worlds Play-In Finals Send Two Teams to the Main Event


Four teams are still in the race for a place at the LoL Worlds Main Event. MAD Lions have been eliminated in the semifinals, which means, LGD Gaming are now the only main favorite with a shot at joining the League of Legends elite. Tomorrow, they will take on Legacy Esports, who barely missed direct […]

Bet Early on the League of Legends Worlds Play In Stage Matches


The largest and most anticipated League of Legends tournament is upon us, with the Worlds starting on September 25. The best teams will play the opening matches in the first week of September, but the play in stage begins one week before the main event. LGD and MAD Lions are the main favourites doing this […]

Place Your Bets on the League of Legends Worlds Outright Winners


The race is on once again, as the best League of Legends teams in the world are trying to win the most coveted trophy. LoL Worlds starts officially on September 25, with the play in stage and the main event is set to begin in the first week of October. Leading bookmakers, such as Betway, […]

Amazon’s Twitch Welcomes Ninja Back with Open Arms


Ninja’s recent adventure with Mixer ended abruptly as Microsoft’s platform was terminated before it got the chance to shine. The project isn’t dead and will continue under the Facebook Gaming umbrella, but the original concept was dismantled. The same goes for the exclusive deal that Tyler Blevins had with the newly formed company, but there […]

The Asian and NA Overwatch Playoffs End this Weekend

overwatch league logo

The Overwatch League regular season has ended and the Grand Finals are scheduled to start on October 8. In between, the Asian and NA Overwatch Playoffs will determine the names of the teams that will qualify for the main event. In the Asian tournament the favorites have advanced with relative ease, but the North American […]

Doublelift Faces His Former Squad when Team Liquid Takes on Team SoloMid


Team Liquid and TSM are the most dominant squads in LCS history and the teams that used to play most of the finals. During the Spring and Summer Splits of 2020 they played second fiddle to Cloud 9, the team that pundits expected to dominate the season. Back-to-back defeats to FlyQuest and TSM sent them […]